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Michael Herter — Audio Music Library for Videos
NAPOLEON: from Revolution to Empire (Historical Orchestral Symphonic Trailer)

action / age / austerlitz / battle / cello / cinematic / classical / distorted bass / documentary / dramatic

"Historical Orchestral Symphonic Trailer"

Popular Release

63 codes remaining

Maris Anguis
Infernal Reign

cinematic / dark ambient / ritual ambient / slithering black records

"Cinematic darkness fit for a horror movie score, a very thought invoking entity manifesting itself though your conscience"

20 codes remaining

Michael Herter — Audio Music Library for Videos
WARGAMES: Battle for Middle Earth (Epic Cinematic Fantasy Orchestral Symphony)

action / all / battle / cinematic / epic / game / orchestral / ost / play / soundscape

"for anyone looking for an epic and inspiring feeling"

28 codes remaining
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