spacey groove

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Rumkugeln Bei Nacht

powernoise / rhythmic industrial / rhythmic noise / rhythm'n'noise / harsh noise wall / hnw / industrial noise / harsh noise / techno / electronic

"Hard, harsh industrial techno and powernoise."

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Devil's Breath
Embrace of the Serpent ‎

dark drone ambient / ritual industrial / tribal / tribal ambient / tribal industrial / industrial noise / ritual ambient / ritual / industrial / dark ambient

"Dark Ambient, Dark Drone Ambient, Ritual Ambient, Tribal Ambient, Industrial, Industrial Noise, Ritual, Tribal, Ritual Industrial, Tribal Industrial"

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sound art / synthesisers / soundscape / dark ambient / experimental

"Wire is an improvised work recorded live at the bird. Capturing veils in flight - a cathartic journey through intricately layered walls of sound."

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