post hardcore

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Nelson Comes To Visit

5th wave emo / bummer punk / digipunk / segapunk / segawave / pop punk / post-hardcore / downtempo / electronica / alternative

"You never know what can happen when Nelson comes to visit..."

40 codes remaining

Analogue Heart
User Pleasure Guaranteed

swancore / post-hardcore / emo / synth pop / dream pop / indie rock / synthwave / alternative

"'5th wave emo + swancore + rnb + CRT monitor for a head. Some (me) have even called them the Zapp and Roger of post hardcore '"

36 codes remaining

Closure Is A Waiting Room
Pirouettes Into The Ceiling

emo-core / skramz / post-hardcore / emo

"A solemn and heartbreaking look into one person's journey with neurodivergence."

27 codes remaining