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Interesting People

electronic / indie dance / post-punk

"Chill, yet possess the energy to make you move."

82 codes remaining

144 codes remaining

Every Thing

electronic / indie dance / post-punk

"Uplifting synth bops, timeless and nostalgic."

78 codes remaining

Eye of the Wild

darkwave / electronic / industrial / space music

"A unique blend of synthwave and doomy rock"

1 code remaining

Kevin Robertson
Magic Spells Abound

jangle pop / pop / power pop / psychedelic rock

"Power-pop with jangled riffs and harmonies"

121 codes remaining

Stewart Keller
The Witch Of Shawnee Hills

ambient / electronic / idm/downtempo / ost / soundtrack music

41 codes remaining

(picnic, lightning)

indie pop / post-punk / shoegaze

"Concise and ambitious jangle pop gems"

54 codes remaining

Bedroom Music

indie pop / post-punk / shoegaze

"A long-lost gem from the golden era of bedroom pop."

56 codes remaining

Simon Sebastian
Floating In Space

chillwave / electronic / electronica / synthwave / vaporwave

"Funky space-synth jams"

60 codes remaining
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