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Sparky Bosque
Corkscrew Soul

Corkscrew Soul is my third LP and has been described as blurring the lines between the power pop and singer songwriter genres. Rock at Night compared it to the sound of Big Star (oooh!), whilst the BBC's David Gilyeat said it had "a lovely Elliott Smith vibe" (very flattering indeed). Perhaps you'll disagree.

Some people might tell you it's the third installment in the amaretto trilogy. But don't take that too seriously. That's really a reference to the Cornetto trilogy of films from Simon Pegg. And also amaretto is both sweet and bitter, which is probably quite a good description for this LP.

If you pick through the lyrics, you might be left juggling irony, humour and despair. As well as plenty of guitar and piano, you'll also hear sorrowfully heavy cello lines (like an 'elephant trudging off to die alone', I'm told) and gnarly baritone sax that could be lifted from a Marc Bolan lost demo.

There's also a track written about Nick Drake. Can you guess which one?

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