Feral Moon
fantasy ambient / kosmiche musik / forest synth / sludge metal / fantasy synth / concept album / prog rock / post metal / experimental electronic / doom metal / dungeon synth / progressive rock / berlin school / metal / psychedelic rock / electronica / dark ambient / ambient
On the night of an angry full moon in the year 307 AT, a priestess named Nerva of the Qyo Faith vanished with nary a trace, after being exiled from her monastery by order of Monos Oledias of the Purple Orchids.
In the centuries following the disappearance of the Priestess, the Monos of the Qyo Empire transformed the doctrine of the Qyo Faith from one of peace and friendship into one of forceful, dictatorial rule.
Wister Oledias, in his desire to warp the religious-reality of Qyo citizens across the canyonlands, enforced a violent separation between the flower-folk known as Kylyy, and mushroom-folk of Fulgen kind.
During her time, the Priestess warned of an all-out attack on the lives of the Qyo people of by the Bouquet of Oledias. Even after her death, she was famous for always holding on to hope for the truth of the Qyo doctrine to prevail. To love and respect everyone in celebration of the world's multi-bio diversity.
So famous in fact, that a cult formed around her reserved and somber personality, as well as her kindness towards others of any creed or specie, as remembered through stories of survivors from her Monastery; such is the longevity of a kylyy life if it isn't cut short, as was the fate of the poor Arch-Priestess.
The followers of the Priestess know that they have a long, dreary path to regaining the influence their martyr commanded, an influence that could potentially rival that of Wister Oledias someday.