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For the majority of my life up to this point, I've had very many odd experiences that, to this day, I've still never been able to figure out if it was my blending dream and reality that happens to have a surprising amount of consistent continuity, a series of chronic delusion/hallucination tied to an unidentified mental illness, or perhaps the legitimately paranormal or otherworldly. String all of them together back to back, and you get a total "runtime" of about 2 weeks without pause or interruption (spread out, it encompasses a period more like 11-12 years); suffice to say with it taking that much time of my life, it's proven to be very impactful on my life, mindset and ultimately my music. As such, I've decided to use it all as inspiration/basis for this album, with each song drawing from particular figures, scenery and concepts I experienced over the course of that time. To an extent this album is something of a follow-up of my "Aeon" album from 2020, though that was more concept/event heavy where this is more person/place heavy, so to speak. Between that and a variety of my singles in my earlier years, I've covered much of this content in my music previously, but I felt it was time to revisit this in a more unified and better refined fashion; hopefully it proves to be both insightful and entertaining for you, the new and returning listeners.

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