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Colossi Perpetual Factory

Collected audio hieroglyphs of the Lipid-Kylyy, famous for their brave and nearly suicidal devotion to studying the motions of the Colossi in order to live among them and learn from their mechanical biology. Thanks to Lipids, though credit is never properly addressed by the Qyo High Council, we know exactly the aural landscape inside and out of a Colossi Perpetual Factory.

The Lipid-Kylyy, a cousin race to the Qyo-Kylyy who eventually slaughtered them, are mourned and studied now by everyone across The Body. Not much is known of the Lipids, other than their love of science and observation.

This is what separates the Lipids from the rest of the Kylyy, generally speaking: all fear the Colossi, but the Lipids embraced their seismic motions and adapted by building modular cities and sharing discoveries in order to predict the motions of the mechanical titans of Kahryatt.

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