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Sfalma Tas Frenas
Illiminal Creatures

What this album is about sometimes eludes me honestly. I always think about it a little differently each time. It's an amalgamation of interpretations of different life experiences, not necessarily mine, but I must be, even if very distantly, connected to all of them. I think we call this "relatability", which has to be some kind of ability, I mean... it's right there in the word. ANYWAY...

There's lots of ideas and styles implemented, in the best ways I could help them coexist. That goes for the sound of the music and the concept behind the album equally. It can be convoluted and chaotic one minute, atmospheric and chill on the other. Just like life.

The most prevalent styles are orchestral, metal, progressive an jazz with ambience and electronic elements sprinkled all over, wrapped in a horror theme.

Yes... I know that it can be a quite difficult listen. Listening to it does require a lot of attention and patience, just like the process of making it did. But I'm sure there might be something you can get out of it, since a lot was put into it. Mostly hate, love and everything in between. If you do persevere through it, I hope you get aptly rewarded for your efforts and time.
Enjoy! (?) :)

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