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Postmodern Machine

Piano-inspired, machine-driven; or machine-inspired, piano-driven?

HyperSleep is the second release for Postmodern Machine; 40 minutes of irresistible electronic tunes to move to. For this project, a number of tracks began as live video performances; the artist later added layers in the studio and polished the jams to turn them into a full-blossomed songs. The album contains Postmodern Machine’s first track to feature the Prophet10’s warm tones, as well as the first track with the artist’s own voice:HyperSleep. Other vocals on the album include the artist’s grandfather; that voice was collected and restored from cassettes made for the grandchildren in the early 90’s. The mood of the album moves irresistibly, ranging from puckish to meditative, drawing the listener straight into its lush details from the moment the sound washes over them.

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