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Max Kutner

These pieces were composed and recorded daily over the month of January 2018. With this release, I wanted to depart from my hitherto tightly-held notions of what was necessary to deem an album worthy of sharing publicly as well as the concept of releasing with a schedule for post-production, promotion, label considerations and other expensive, drawn-out conditions of such an endeavor.

The catalyst for this came from my friend guitarist/composer, Alex Wand and his community-based website Song-A-Day-For-A-Month. Bi-annually, Alex hosts a site where our greater community of friends and colleagues compose and transmit daily pieces of music. Once uploaded, fellow participants can listen and comment on each other's work. Without this resource, this album would not exist.

Each of these 15 items was recorded initially into my phone and then mixed using a open-source music editing program called Audacity on my home laptop. Many of them are solo guitar pieces with a few deviations that might feature samples of other instruments as well as lyrics that I actually sing. Further information about each piece, including the way they were made, what prompted their creation and so on is available by clicking on the 'INFO' link next to each track on the main album page. The link will be visible if you hover just to the right of the track length.

While the lo-fi recording quality and ramshackle nature of this music may cause you to scratch your chin or perhaps scoff, I feel that it speaks somewhat comprehensively to my own personal musical interests and adequately accounts for my abilities as a performer and composer. Each piece originated from a personal influence or inspiration and thus this album could be seen as somewhat of an in-depth, candid portrait of my musical mind.

In any event, I was not interested in releasing this music commercially when it was being written but taken as a whole, I find it uniquely compelling.


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