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Joe Faniel
Video Game

Having been brought up in the PS2 era of video games, Joe Faniel thought that it would be a good idea to pay homage to classics like Jak & Daxter, and Ratchet and Clank by recreating sounds and music from those times. He primarily focused with the album Video Game music from Jak & Daxter. But the first few tracks are heavily influenced by Ratchet and Clank.

It was a passion project inside and out. Doing it for selfish reasons and for his love of those games - seeing if he could recreate those special sounds. Funnily enough the Ratchet and Clank OST had used a lot of samples from the E - LAB - X - Static Goldmine CD. Which Joe has. But did not use due to not owning the right copyrights to it. But Joe feels that he got close enough without those samples.

Video Game is his most proudest moment in making music, as he wasn't thinking if it would sell, or been enjoyed by others. As the PS2 era was a very long time ago.

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