"The S/T contains 7 songs, with a duration of almost 23 minutes, so you can imagine the result being a vicious assault of an almost barbaric proportion. After a very short intro all hell breaks loose with “A semmi a minden” (“Everything is nothing”) and all is clear from the very start. What we deal here with is raw black metal (I could say pretty much in the vein of the mid ’90s Swedish and Norwegian scene), mixed here and there with some melancholic parts (check out those guitar lines, they are beautiful!), only to create an oppressive and destructive atmosphere.
The vocals are fantastic, ranging from possessed shrieks to graver tones (the title track is the best example) while the instruments follow very quickly behind. The Hungarian lyrics and song names add an extra mystique to this already savage music, preserving its originality and wickedness. The drumming is insane and if you might think there’s a drum machine behind the kit, I can assure you that’s not true. It is a machine indeed, but a human one.
Because of its savagery, the album sounds like a mix of Marduk with early Funeral Mist or Triumphator (e.g. on “Árok” the drummer goes completely berserk), but if you listen closely you’ll find out there’s more than that. Each track has a soul of its own and even if they are very short, the songs are also very complex. After all, who needs a +1 hour album when you can have the essential in less than 30 minutes?
Hajnalpír has created a very strong and balanced debut album that will not let you bored for a second. This is a great black metal record, fresh, violent and with an incredible musicianship."
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