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Gustavo Wornunk
Semi-Detached Tales Vol. I

The first seeds of this album were born during the Covid pandemic when I wrote the song "480 Lockdown." I had some other ideas of songs, most of them inspired by the British Psychedelic Pop music from the sixties, so "480 Lockdown" inspired me to work on these other tunes and put an album together. I recorded 90% of the album at home and played most of the instruments, although I also had the valuable help of other musicians on some of the tracks (full credits for each song can be found on my Bandcamp page). All drums were recorded by my friend and amazing drummer Noel Bastos Vilalba from his home in Brazil. Almost all vocals were recorded by me, except for the song "Finsbury Park", which also features my dear wife Mariana. The title is a reference to the traditional British semi-detached houses and, in the same way as these houses are divided into 2, the album will be divided into 2 volumes (Vol.II is currently in progress).

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