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Lost was written over the course of 2022 and was finalized at the beginning of 2023. The album invokes a slight turn in direction for Champenoise and adds more flare to their discography. Most of these songs were written with the intention of writing heavier material with emo influences similar to Title Fight, Fiddlehead, Basement, & Touche Amore. The result are 10 wildly original songs that starts with the hard hitting drum roll of the title track and will keep you holding on until the final chorus of “Missing”. ‘Lost’ is the antithesis and a response to getting older, figuring it out, and missing out. at the time, I really wanted to make a guitar centric album that reminded me of albums like ‘Floral Green’. I’d spend nights in bed writing progressions on guitar and then try to write the drum parts and create the feeling for the record. There were so many iterations of what these songs were going to become as far as a body of work. Would they be a different ep every quarter of the year? Would they just be one ep with 7-8 songs? Eventually I hit a snag where I didn’t really feel inspired and I started working on different material. Then in October 2022, I got covid and was mandated to stay home from work for 5 days. These turned into studio days and I had a burst of riffs come out of me that would help round out this body of work. The plan was to keep it nice and short. 1 word titles for the album and songs. I wanted to write songs that were about key details in my life that round out who I am and convey that in a melancholy way.

These songs describe turning 30 and feeling like you don’t know where to go from there. Like all the answers you’ve found didn’t add up to what you were looking for. But maybe that is the trait of a good adventure. Looking for answers and then questioning those answers for a journey of emotional ups and downs. Every question we ask doesn’t always need a concrete answer and that can be hard to swallow. Heck, half of the questions I find myself asking don’t seem to even have answers.

This album is dedicated to my dad who passed away 14 years ago on this day (9/22). He never got to see me as an adult and I will never get to connect with him in the adult years of my life. There are a few songs on this record that reckon with those harsh truths. Hold your loved ones close and let them know you care.

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