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Big Blue Bazooka
Spaceship to Jupiter V

I have always loved synthesizers, especially the synth heavy space themed music from the 60's and 70's, this album is my interpretation of that era of music.

Spaceship to Jupiter V was one first songs I had started writing for the album, at this stage there wasn't even any album planned yet, I just was making whatever I felt like at the time. After I had finished the song it ended up sounding like something which reminded me of space themed synthesizer music of the 60's and 70's. Back then I only had software synthesizers but later moved onto hardware synthesizers such as the Minilogue XD, JV-1080 and Volca FM.

The album started production in 2020 with Spaceship to Jupiter V and has taken 4 years to produce although it was only sparingly worked on through the years along with other songs that have not been released yet.

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