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Almost Honest
The Hex of Penns Woods

When we started creating this album we knew we wanted to stick with what we have done before lyrically but go even deeper. We sang about folklore and myths but what if we created our own creatures or delved way deeper into the history and culture of Pennsylvania. That's what you will find lyrically on this record. We did historical research, genealogical research, we traveled, we explored inside ourselves, we brought our emotions to the forefront and so much more to bring this album to life. You will also see old pennsylvania dutch folk art as an inspiration to the cover of this record. The creature on the front is something we created. It is supposed to resemble the Dutch Hex signs that you see on the side of barns throughout Pennsylvania. Musically we decided to go for everything that made our last record great and turn it up to 11. Groovier, heavier, funkier, catchier.

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