
Since its inception in 2020, surfacing through the haze of a global pandemic and illuminated by the cityʼs darkest corners, the prolific Dark Electronic collaboration between longtime Boston music conspirators Reuben Bettsak and Bo Barringer has quickly made a name for itself during a time when a project initially set to create a tense, neurotic soundtrack for a far-off dystopian landscape suddenly felt all too real. The scenes that play out across Ex-Hyenaʼs stark brand of world-building, where the detachment from an uneasy society on edge is only matched by the residual effects of our fractured psyche, are chronicled by expressive lyricisms and a minimal, propulsive electronic music foundation. Ex-Hyena taps into the doom and gloom of our current climate while also existing on its own sonic plane.

Ex-Hyena are set to release their 3rd album in 2024, 'A Kiss of the Mind' via Re:Mission Entertainment.