
60s psych-pop retro-singer-songwriter garage-rock-revival psychedlic-rock psych-rock sixties united-kingdom classic-rock retropop diy retro power-pop powerpop psychedelic psychedelic-rock

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No releases found for 60s psych-pop retro-singer-songwriter garage-rock-revival psychedlic-rock psych-rock sixties united-kingdom classic-rock retropop diy retro power-pop powerpop psychedelic psychedelic-rock. See if these releases are what you're looking for:

Fragile Creatures
Don't Know What To Do

psych pop / alt rock / indie / alternative / rock

"Anthem for the uncertain."

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Caught In Joy

analog synthesizers / dawless / groove / space / berlin school / electronica

"Groovy space electronica hand-crafted live with analog synthesizers"

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Caught In Joy
Out Of Nowhere

analog synthesizers / space dnb / space electronica / berlin school

"Space drum 'n' bass meets analog synthesizers meet dawless Berlin School"

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