
60s psych-pop retro-singer-songwriter garage-rock-revival psychedlic-rock psych-rock sixties united-kingdom classic-rock retropop diy retro power-pop powerpop psychedelic psychedelic-rock

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No releases found for 60s psych-pop retro-singer-songwriter garage-rock-revival psychedlic-rock psych-rock sixties united-kingdom classic-rock retropop diy retro power-pop powerpop psychedelic psychedelic-rock. See if these releases are what you're looking for:

Sfalma Tas Frenas
Illiminal Creatures

orchestral / horror / progressive / metal / experimental

"Sfalma Tas Frenas, as in Greek for 'Error of the Mind', because there's something wrong with us all."

18 codes remaining

immortal ebt

experimental pop / post pop

"experimental pop venturing through homelessness and addiction."

34 codes remaining

Jeff Goldsmith
This Beast

ambient noir electronica

"Ambient Noir Electronica inspired by my film scoring work"

0 codes remaining
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