
60s psych-pop retro-singer-songwriter garage-rock-revival psychedlic-rock psych-rock sixties united-kingdom classic-rock retropop diy retro power-pop powerpop psychedelic psychedelic-rock

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No releases found for 60s psych-pop retro-singer-songwriter garage-rock-revival psychedlic-rock psych-rock sixties united-kingdom classic-rock retropop diy retro power-pop powerpop psychedelic psychedelic-rock. See if these releases are what you're looking for:

Toto Coelo
I Eat Cannibals & Other Tasty Trax

dance pop

"This is a vibrant blend of 90s Dance, Eurodance, Synthpop, and Dance-pop, delivering infectious energy and catchy beats in every track."

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Timeless Dance Vibes
Italo Dance Classics Volume 1


"This is a vibrant compilation that celebrates the best of Italo Disco and Eurobeat, offering a nostalgic journey through the energetic and romantic sounds of the late 80s and early 90s with iconic hits and hidden gems."

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New York Noise
New York Noise Vol. 1 - 1977

deep house

"This is a groundbreaking compilation that immerses listeners in the raw, experimental soundscape of late 70s New York, capturing the essence of Post-Punk, No Wave, and Noise Rock with its dissonant and avant-garde approach."

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