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Welcome to GetMusic, the ultimate destination for independent music. Discover new and exciting artists with free Bandcamp download codes.

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see what other artists have to say...

This site is cool. It just has Bandcamp download codes for tons of new albums that bands upload themselves. It's great for finding new songs, getting valid codes, and building up a Bandcamp if you're an artist.

It's easily the best way to promote your music and build a following. It’s also a great way to build a music collection. Honestly, it's my go-to site, beside Bandcamp, for the community of talent and those with great taste.

GetMusic has really helped me grow as an artist. Just in 2 weeks I gained over 50 followers. This also gave an opportunity for some artists who had already been following but couldn't support me to have something of mine in their Bandcamp collection.

I'm really glad that I did this now. I've got the most daily Bandcamp streams that I've ever had, plus 20 download code redemptions so far today, and a load of new followers.

It seems counterintuitive, but my sales have increased 12% since starting with GetMusic, which suggests that many music fans swap out their digital copies for physical formats.

After 24 hours of using GetMusic and some very modest promoting, 23 people have downloaded a copy of my album, "Who Goes There?" I was very enthused to see almost all the users were new. In addition to the downloads, I've also been receiving more streams than I usually do; very cool! has been great for my followers and exposure. Had 12 Bandcamp followers for quite some time, and within a week am at 75 and counting! Great folks, great service, highly recommend for anyone who is looking for Bandcamp exposure! And yeah - the first round is free!

We have been using for some time, and it has been doing wonders for us. The best way to share your releases with a new audience and get new followers is on the Bandcamp page. It is straightforward to use, and the first upload of download codes will be free.

I'm super pleased. You've almost doubled my followers, and surprisingly, I got a fair number of sales, too!