
immortal ebt

Producer/Multi-instrumentalist immortal ebt specializes in experiments of popular music genres to create a unique musical experience.

immortal ebt
out through matisse's window

experimental hip hop / art rap

"a hip hop odyssey"

Popular Release

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immortal ebt

glitch pop / glitchgaze

"a cacophonous mixture of glitch pop and shoegaze."

0 codes remaining

immortal ebt
flowers revisited

experimental pop

"explored the reasons I began using drugs and celebrated two years clean"

92 codes remaining

immortal ebt

experimental pop

"russian experimental pop"

0 codes remaining

immortal ebt
only a shadow

third stream / avant-garde

"classical and experimental"

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immortal ebt
for pimps

psychedelic / hip hop / post-trap

"psychedelic hip hop/ post-trap"

0 codes remaining

immortal ebt

experimental pop / vaporpop

"confronting the reasons i used"

0 codes remaining

immortal ebt
pathaways compilation 2012​-​2016

experimental pop

"experimental pop"

98 codes remaining

immortal ebt
eden revisited


"Psychedelic shoegaze and ambient influenced krautrock"

39 codes remaining